oilcan1001 wrote:
I'm only 30lbs over RAWR
400 lbs over GVWR
1830lbs under tire ratings.
This is with an empty trailer.
I'm hoping it will get under specs when I load the garage (behind rear axle).
We'll see Sunday when I weigh fully loaded
As the owner of HD 2500 of about the same vintage, your numbers don't make sense. I am not playing "Weight Police" just can't make sense of your numbers based on my own.
Your TV should at least have a 6,000# Rear GAWR and unless you have a ton of stuff in the bed, empty should weigh about 3,000# or slightly less on the rear axle empty. That would place the empty pin at over 3,000#.
The total GVWR on a 99 F250 should be south of 10,000# maybe as high 9,800# or as low as 8,800#. If you are 30# over rear GAWR, and only 300# over GVWR, if I took my TV to full rear GAWR (6,084#) I would have a GVW of about 10,600#+.
Is the 1,830# under on tires, just the rear axles or all four tires.
Not weight police as I tow over GVWR, with our 32' 11,200+ 5er, but within rear GAWR and also like you well within tire ratings.