I'm the OP so here's a little more info and another question.
I currently have a Hensley TS air hitch on my 2008 Ford F-450. It's one piece and weights about 350 pounds. The truck has air bags to help level the combo.
My new RV has the MorRyde pin box. Together I have a great ride and with the air bags, the combo is pretty level.
The new RV colors don't match the the old truck so "Wifee" said we need a new truck. Guys you know the old saying "If Wifee is not happy .......".
I know the new trucks have a higher bed and the 5th wheel prep option for the Ford has the 4 puck system. The Hensley BD5 has a great sub frame that fits perfect to the 4 puck system. Also, the hitch comes in 3 pieces so will be really easy to mount.
So now my only concern is the truck bed rail clearance. With my present setup and the 2" risers on my 2017 RV I have all of 7" of clearance. I hope I can get that with the new setup and still have the RV towing pretty level.
OK, so my question, you guys out there with late model Fords and Henley hitches, how much clearance do you have between the truck bed rails and the RV?
Thanks again for all your input.