jackxclan wrote:

mrw8i wrote:
New Years is a real **** shoot for weather in the desert. Monday 12/26 when we got there was clear and cold, started a fire at 2PM. Tues/Wed/Thurs got warmer each day and night. Friday cold/raining and overcast all day. Saturday woke up to very nice weather, was able to dry out everything, pack up and leave before the clouds/wind/rain came in around 12 noon.
Best part about the week with all the riding we did, no dust. Bad part, had to wash all the mud off the RZR when we got home. I don't wash it more than 1x per year.
Time for a new primary clutch in the RZR. Lots of rattling at idle, began to hear that on our last trip. Opened the clutch cover and it was really loud. Lots of clearance between the spider and button (about 1/16"). A fairly deep groove worn on the clutch body where button on the spider rubs against. 5800 miles of turbo charged miles, it's time. Hopefully new clutch won't take a lot of adjusting, took about 500 miles to get it right the first time. Will also replace the primary spring, as this one has to be weak now.
My picture kinna looks like yours
A little, but you were a little smarter; you had your awning out and chairs under it during the inclement weather. Nice, not a Yucca Tree.