I'm lucky I found you fellers, there's a lot to learn, many thanks.
But , ouch! I didn't buy a junk car, I'm happy as a pig in spit with it.
It has real 4-wheel drive and low-low gears when I need them.
I'll check there service manuals when I get them, maybe the tow transmission is a fluid cooler and a shifter kit, that can be done. Maybe it would have gawky side mirrors that stick way out to see around 8 foot wide trailers, I don't need or want that, I can get a narrow box that I can see around.
I'll bet the real difference in towing between a Liberty and a Cherokee comes from the longer wheelbase and the extra stability that it gives you, and you'll find all the same fine print in the manual.
Like the trailer, I can't have everything, the question is, can I get what I need (or want)?