newman fulltimer wrote:
So its ok to have a trailer where most things in it are china made but the tires draw the line?
I think "tires" are the most sensitive "China made" item on an RV because of all that is riding on them... both figuratively and literally. Let a tire blow when doing 65 down an interstate and not only is the camper at risk, but so is the tow vehicle, the occupants, and every one else on the road!
Let a China made coffee pot quit working and there's not much of a hazard for the public welfare, only your own discomfort for not getting your morning caffeine.
Tires are so critical to the safety of any vehicle, yet it is often the most neglected item, and most people simply don't care where their tires come from or how safe they really are, until something happens. They they get in an uproar when they find out they were inferior tires. The same is true with tires on our automobiles too, not just our RV's.
No, tires are a far different safety concern than a coffee pot or an electric skillet! That's why this issue is such a hot topic to so many!
Just to clarify any doubts .... I'm against the China tires also. I want RV manufacturers to raise the bar also.
My complaint is about everyone complaining to the wrong people, who really can't do anything about it. Complain to the right people and maybe it might begin to change.