I not trying to convince anyone as to which is best.
The cable slides have all motors and systems enclosed and out of the weather.Everything is installed above the floor.
The cable slides are not shaft driven. Therefore there are no holes drilled into the frame/beam to accommodate the shaft. As a result a smaller lighter beam can be used resulting in weight savings ans some innovative floor plans. Many of the currently popular front living room floor plans have incorporated cable slides.
CAble slides systems are not foolproof. Cables break and require periodic adjustment to keep them aligned. Cable systems use electric motors and switches that can also fail.
Hydraulic systems break as well pumps fail,hoses leak etc.
Cable systems are becoming more mainstream because they allows for significant weight reduction.
I have 5 cable slides in my RV I have adjusted cables myself twice. MY RV is about 1000-1500# lighter than comparable models. I am satisfied with the cable slides