Allworth wrote:
A 5 or 6 Ton bottle jack. Some short pieces of 2x4 to go under the jack to get it up to frame height (NEVER jack under the axle tube). the correct socket and a breaker bar............
Well Allworth I am going to respectfully disagree with this statement.
#1. It is FAR safer to jack under the axle than the frame, under the frame you need to jack up the ENTIRE SIDE
(both wheels off the ground) of the 5er to change one tire! This requires lifting the frame about 8" to 10", placed squarely under the axle tube or spring plate directly under the spring you only need to lift the tire enough so that that one tire clears the ground by a fraction of an inch.
#2. If your axle tube is so weak that the pressure of the jack collapses it, you would have bent it the 1st pot hole you hit.
#3. If just changing a flat, leave it hooked to the TV. If working on it at home, no need to hook to TV, just be sure the other three tires are chocked correctly.
PS: I carry a 12 ton bottle jack to do the job that a 2 to 4 ton could do, but the 12 ton just makes it much easier. I also carry a 1/2" x 24" breaker bar, correct sized sockets, and a Harbor Freight Tool torque wrench (Craftsman at home).