Forum Discussion

abc40kids's avatar
May 27, 2015

Outside Kitchen Drain??

So I've only had my new Mountaineer out 3 times and just this last time I paid attention to what was happening. The outside kitchen, second bathroom all have there own black and gray tank. This is how my last 5er bunkhouse was set up less the outside kitchen.

This outside kitchen drain has like a 2" pipe that runs directly to the drain cap, bypassing the gray tank. Not a huge deal but in the last 10 years I've never ran a sewer line to the rear tank until I was ready to leave. Why wouldn't they have ran the pipe into the tank??? If I don't want the outside kitchen to back up quick I'm forced to run sewer hose to both off a "T" ...... Once again no big deal but why did they design a drain knowing it would back up in no time.
  • abc40kids wrote:
    Not a big deal just surprised when my sink backed up so fast. I already have a t and now just need like 20 more feet of Rhino Flex and another clear shut off for that tank and just leave it open when the gray and black are close to the outside kitchen just flows from sink to sewer.

    No need for Rhino Flex - or draining onto the ground - (YIKES!..:()
    (Depending on location, that *may* result in a citation & fine)

    Use a cap with a garden hose fitting on the trlr kitchen drain pipe.

    Use one of the (very common) 3" sewer connection elbow (the one that goes into the campground's in-ground sewer drain) *which also has a garden hose connection*.

    Note - those usually have a "knock-out" inside the garden hose connection.

    Use whatever length of cheap-o garden hose (not white) you need, swap the male fitting to female.
    (The sewer drain cap -at the trlr- for the garden hose, and the elbow connection for the garden hose, will both be male)

    If you don't want to drain your other tanks, just cap off the 3" connection on the fitting until you want to use it.
    Of course, you can leave both connected if you wish.

    BTW - my Jayco RK has a separate gray tank for the kitchen, but I usually do the above - - 'cause it's quick, EZ and no big deal..:W

  • rehless wrote:
    We have a 2012 Mountaineer. Three drain valves and if you can
    believe it, one of the grey water valves is on the frame,
    under the slide out and when the slide is in, you can not
    drain the holding tank. Genius engineering. Never buy another

    Think they all have there flaws, my issue for sure no deal breaker just an adjustment and fixed, still love my new 5er.
  • Not a big deal just surprised when my sink backed up so fast. I already have a t and now just need like 20 more feet of Rhino Flex and another clear shut off for that tank and just leave it open when the gray and black are close to the outside kitchen just flows from sink to sewer.
  • Perhaps it has to do with the height of the top of a gray tank, versus the bottom of an outside sink? Gravity!
  • Mountaineer is not the only manufacturer to NOT drain the Outside Kitchen in to a tank.
  • We have a 2012 Mountaineer. Three drain valves and if you can
    believe it, one of the grey water valves is on the frame,
    under the slide out and when the slide is in, you can not
    drain the holding tank. Genius engineering. Never buy another
  • My friend just bought a new Mountaineer and his outside kitchen sink drains directly to the sewer outlet like you described. The only thing we could think of was that it had something to do with the OK being on a slide out. It really isn't a big deal as the water would not be real dirty. Still though, direct draining of grey water does not go over well at some CGs. I guess one could put a 5 gal pail under the outlet.
  • You could install a twist-on valve at the outlet, open the tank valve, and the waste would be captured. Then dump at a convenient time.
  • Our friends also have a Mountaineer and the only thing I can figure is that it was done that way to drain into the ground. Most of the things you will put in it are just rinsing glasses, washing your hands, etc.

    I don't know, but I thought it was real strange, too.