We use WallyWorld, Home Depot, rest areas, etc when we need to. Sometimes, we can't or don't want to get off the road at 2. We put our living room slides out just a bit but after banging our toes into the cabinetry several times, the bedroom one goes all the way out PLUS if "you know who" has to make a potty run at 3 am, I don't want him crawling all over me to get there. We stay hooked up and only deploy our front jacks if we can't find a level spot.
In 17 years of fulltiming with quite a few overnite stops at the above places, we have only been asked twice to leave. Once at 10 pm by a security guard and once in Yuma at at Closed UP Sam's Club at6 AM by a cop who had nothing better to do. 1st time we just moved over to the Lowe's across the street & were fine. The 2nd time we moved over to a restaurant and had breakfast until it was light enough to leave. I did call the police department the next day on that idiot cop who in my opinion put us in jeopardy: Woke us out of a dead sleep, had us and another RV leave immediately not even being fully awake and drive out in the dark. They could not apologize enough but I sure wish I had taken down his badge number.
I should add that at neither place was there a "No Overnite Parking" sign.
Oh well, life goes on it only happened twice. Di