CWSWine wrote:
We always unhook. We unhook and pull 6 foot forward and hit auto level. In the morning we hit return to unhitch height and backup 6 foot and reconnect. Somethings we refuel in the evenings but still back the truck in ready to hitch in the morning.
It is amazing how a person can get so many different answers/opinions when posting on this forum. That is a good thing!
Agree with you about unhooking & leveling. Every great once in a while, I will leave truck connected to 5V & level with front jacks, I will be listening to the jack motor to tell when jacks start picking up truck. That is when I stop.
I don't care about leaving pin weight on my truck tires any longer than I have to. Yes, I have new Michelins, I just want to gain any possible advantage that I can to help prevent potential trouble on trip. Tires are always one of the "weak links" when RVing.