Forum Discussion

Gooselover's avatar
Jan 02, 2014

PDI Question Here!

Okay, we pick up our new 5'ver on Tuesday. Again, it is a used unit, but in new condition.

Here in OK, it is cold and everything has been winterized. We went to see the unit today and give the dealership the fireplace to install. While there, we asked a couple questions about the PDI.

From what we were told, the unit has been tested and retested while inside over the Holidays....all systems are running. The dealership then rewinterized the unit.

Now, from what they have told us....they will SHOW and demonstrate how everything works and that it IS working. However, on the hot water tank, they will fire it up for a moment ONLY to show us that it does work - since it is empty of water and been winterized. We cannot test any faucets, etc. due to winterization, but the dealership said they will SHOW us by doing a pressure test that all systems are working and no leaks.

Does all this sound okay????? Temps here in OK are due to drop down to around 0 in the next couple days and the high will be about 20 when we pick it up. I just want to make sure that the dealership's procedure is correct - or should they dewinterize, show us everything is working, then rewinterize???? The dealership told us they would do whatever it takes to make us happy and I just want to make sure everything is working.

So, your opinions????? Oh, I should mention that the dealership is giving a 30 day warranty for everything. We can take the coach home and plug it in, but should we dewinterize - check everything ourselves then rewinterize?????? I want to make sure all is in good order.
  • The dealer's 30 warranty is useless since you will not be using the trailer until warm weather. Several options:
    1. Insist the 30 day warranty does not start until a date you know you will be using the RV.
    2. Make de-winterize and demonstrate everything to you then re-winterize.
    3. Rely on air pressure to prove no leaks.
    4. Take their word that everything is OK.
    5. Just let them do your PDI in the spring when you are ready to use it and then fix anything.
    Personally, I prefer #1 above.
  • We bought our Class C (new) in January - and our dealer gave us until May, to find things we felt needed fixing and bring it back for warranty work. Granted, this is Michigan and a lot of folks don't think about camping until May...

    While I understand what your dealer is saying, and they sure don't want to tie up a service bay any longer than possible - I'd either get them to show how everything works - or.... give you more time to find out if there's problems??

    We bought our (10-yr old) 5er after it had been winterized - and then got clobbered with relentless snow. Now we get to *hope* that the plumbing works.......
  • You paid for it make themdo it the correct way make sure eerything works it right the first time
  • If they have winterized, they put pink-stuff in the water lines. If they apply pressure (air) to the lines and if there are any leaks, the pink-stuff will spew out just like it would if it was water. So as far as that goes, I think everything is OK there.

    The water heater will fire on gas, but if yours has gas-electric, you won't be able to verify the electric. You absolutely do not want to turn the electric on the water heater unless there is liquid in it, otherwise the heating element will burn out within seconds (like 5 seconds!) So you won't be able to test the electric.

    If they are willing to unwinterize and then winterize again, let them do it. For your own peace of mind, and for you and their protection in the event something arises in the future.
  • I would make them dewinterize it, prove that everything works, then rewinterize it. I don't think they are moving many units during this time. IMO