River&Sand wrote:
Glad to hear your dog is OK. Our neighbor wasn't so luck last year, both his dogs got biten by a baby rattler. He didn't realize both had been bitten at first, rushed the one that had signs of a bite to the Vet and by time he got home his other dog had lapsed into a coma and died on the way to Vet. All this happened in our neighorhood on a nature trail. So here in SoCal it can happen anywere, after all this is a semi-desert area.
Very sorry to hear of the loss.
YES, we live in a semi-desert area and snakes are prevalent.
My Borther & SIL lived between Corona and Lake Elsinore for a few years and saw many rattlers. One day their "ankle bitter" dog was barking at something and would not stop, Bro went outside to find a large red diamondback atop some hay bales and the dog was only a few feet away "yapping" at the snake. It can and does happen, We are so lucky to still have 8 paws running around the house.