Forum Discussion

2112's avatar
Explorer II
May 04, 2013

Pin Box Weight

How heavy is a pin box?
I have a 2013 KZ Durango 2857 with a lippert pin box of unknown model # (tag painted over) and would like to lower the box one notch. I'm 8" above the bedrail and ride a little nose high. I can't find a weight spec on the box.
My problem is that I have no help holding it. It will be me alone attempting this with no mechanical aid.

Should I even attempt this alone?
  • Someone recently posted to loosen all the nuts a bit then remove the two bottom nuts/bolts and let the box pivot down and reinsert the bolts, then do the same pivoting the rear. I've never tried it and don't see how the bolts would just happen to line up, but perhaps it works.
  • Put it on the hitch and use the landing gear to move it.