(quote=OP)The cargo rating according to Chevrolet’s website is almost #3100. I looked at the sticker on the door jamb and it said not to exceed #2750. I just lost another #350. So I pissed off the salesman and backed out of the deal. We are now looking for a one ton. (/quote)
GM has a website weights calculator on their online ordering guide webs that will give you the trucks actual front and rear axle weights with std equipment and options on the truck.
https://www.gmfleetorderguide.com/...Choose year model (2019) and order information..
...click on chevy truck..
...upper right hand corner click on truck truck model (3500HD)..
...then click on model and options weights..
Many folks use this for some very close numbers. Eliminates guessing opinions. Play around with the website as it has some other useful mechanical tech info on GM LDTs.