Oh yeah - crossing into Canada:
The first time we crossed in 2006 (Portal, ND) - our Class C was searched by a Canadian Border guard. He opened everything and looked everywhere, but he did it neatly, quickly, and very professionally. Took maybe 1/2 hr. Since he found nothing of interest, I think we were entered in some sort of database, because after that, all we had to do was recite our license # and show our passports and we were waved on through. Coming back into the Lower 48, we had to show our bag of dog food, to prove it was made in the USA. Crossing either way was pretty easy, everything considered!
The reason I think there was a database is because a year later, we decided to see Nova Scotia; and again, all we had to do was recite the lic. # and show passports. We must be considered "compliant"?? Or "too scared to smuggle" - that works, too....LOL!!