Onespeed405 wrote:
To: Old-Biscuit
Thanks for the info.
I have those green nuts. LOL
I was under the mistaken impression that the Excess Flow function was on the tank itself. Someone told me, that if you take a full, unconnected tank, and open the valve, the valve will shut down and no propane will escape.
I guess I should be careful of "school ground" educations.
Thanks, this was a helpful discussion.
The propane cylinder service valve has a spring loaded shutoff that will not allow propane to flow it service valve is opened WITHOUT a hose connected.
The ACME NUT has a 'stub' that opens/holds open this spring loaded valve when nut is crewed onto cylinder
The spring loaded valve is part of the OPD/service valve....which consists of:

2 types used.......this one with a vertical tube float and one that has a lever arm with float.
OPD does several things. Allows propane filling & discharge, shuts off filling at 80%, will not allow propane to flow w/o hose connected, has pressure relief valve and bleeder valve with dip tube at 80% liquid level.
ACME NUT has the other safety features so that together a portable propane cylinder is as fool proof as one can be made for 'consumer use'-----regular ole joe