Forum Discussion

SteveR58's avatar
Mar 03, 2015

Purchasing a new 5th wheel and paint protection

I am in the process of purchasing a new 5th wheel and the dealer asked me if I would like to have the Maxxgard product applied to either the exterior, interior, or both.
I have never heard of it and was wondering if anyone here has used a product like this.
According to the dealer I would not have to wax the trailer for 5 years and I am just a little skeptical since I can't find much about the warranties or any other types of reviews regarding the product except on their site.
Anyone familiar with the product/process or is this just another way for a dealer to make a few bucks.
Also since I am buying the 5th wheel 950 miles away it is important that if there is a problem that it be covered here in Florida.

Thanks in Advance for any good advice
  • Have you ever heard the old expression...Snake Oil. It is a huge profit maker for the dealer. They also require yearly "maintenance" to maintain the warranty.

    Spend your money on real wax jobs.

  • I'd tell the stealer that you expect him to throw it in for free. After all, he should be delivering the best product available and now that he has brought it to your attention, you'll shop elsewhere if he doesn't throw it in for free.
  • I have mentioned this before regarding these products...JMHO

  • About twice a year have it washed and waxed with a good wax. About $8 a foot twice a year keeps it looking good. I get mine done while in Rv Parks. BTW for $8 they wash and hand wax and hand buff. No electric buffers.
  • Don't do it!! I had it done and 2 years later when I had it into the dealership for a repair I mentioned that the cap looked faded. They had a guy come out from the body dept. to look at it. He said it should have been waxed twice a year. When I told him I was told I wouldn't have to wax for 5 years he just rolled his eyes.

    Long story short I got them to fix the cap, but the dealership body dept. said no coatings will take the place of waxing. I feel the money we spent was a waste.
  • Don't do it. I paid for it on our first 5th wheel. It was supposed to make it easier to keep clean. The bugs on the front cap and the black streaks would be easy to clean with a simple wash. All it did was put money in the dealers pocket. It didn't make any difference in the maintenance of the RV exterior. Bugs and black streaks were still difficult to remove.

  • You can go to a auto paint supply house and buy that stuff by the gallon for about $35 and it will last a year. Maybe.
    All those "protection" treatments are just a big money maker for the dealer.