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Re_and_Cheryl's avatar
Nov 04, 2013

Qestions installing Dometic slide toppers

Currently getting ready to install slide toppers on my new Coachmen 5th wheel camper before she goes to sleep for the winter. I purchased Dometic slide toppers and they come with little hardware. What kind of screws should I use to anchor the trak the awning slides into to the side of the camper and the mounting brackets that locate the awning on the slide its self. Looks like the instructions are recommending rivets. Not so sure about that as all they would grab would be the skin it's self and eventually pull it off.

Want to get this right the first time.
  • The only rivets we use is to secure the bracket to the sliding bracket.

    Use stainless tech screws to attach to trailer sides. Also use to secure the track for the fabric to the sides.
  • Since I'm behind in my reading, I'm unsure as too which issue but Trailer Life had an article this year about installation of slide toppers. Don't recall that it was your brand but it would probably be of use anyway.
  • Problem is the only two RV dealers near me I would not trust to work on my lawn mower much less my 50k 5th wheel. I can easily do the install, was just questioning the instructions use of rivets.
  • You're right, sometimes finding good people is an iffy deal. The guys that I had do mine were recommended by a friend of mine who had some work done by them. And they were recommended to him by someone else.
  • Fj12Ryder --- I agree -- Problem is today that how do you find someone that really KNOWS what they are doing or simple say that they do. I guess the best way to do that would be talk to someone that hsa had the work done and find out who performed the work.
  • Your uncertainty was one of the reasons I had someone do it that had done it before. I have never seen one done except on YouTube. I was unsure about hitting the studs, or even if I had to worry about that. Some things I'll do, and some things I'll leave to people who have done it before, and know what they're doing.

    It doesn't look that difficult, but the having my slide topper come off in a heavy wind is something I can live without. A few bucks gives me some peace of mind.
  • The rivets will work with strong aluminum siding only. Use stainless wood screws otherwise. FWIW, I didn't like holding the awning support bracket to the slide with just a few little wood screws so I replaced two of the screws in each bracket with longer SS machine screws, self locking nuts and fender washers that go all the way through the wall. These end up inside a cabinet so they cant be seen and the awning is very secure.
  • Have not called them. The instructions just say screws or blind rivets. Kind of vague. Don't want to use rivets as they will only grab the outer skin and will probably pull it off eventually. Every slide awning I've looked at seems to use some sort of wood or sheet metal screw.