Forum Discussion

ToddD's avatar
Oct 26, 2017

Question about special orders

Anyone here know how special orders work between dealers and the factory? Is it similar to the car industry where the factory gives a certain amount and scheduled allocations to the dealer, or is it first come, first served with new orders submitted to the factory?

Looking at ordering a new Jayco soon and wondering about timing of delivery for the season. I figure our perfect window to avoid start paying for the unit while we are not using it, while also leaving time for any inevitable warranty work, would be late March, early April delivery, not Feb which is what the dealer is saying an order put in now would result in.
  • I ordered my non slide coachmen and missed the build dead line. I had to wait 5 months or so longer..

    They build two times a year basically. slide and non slides. ( AFAIK)

    Any custom orders as mine with a 10% deposit get built first. Mine was first off the line and delivered pretty fast.

    They build these so fast your bound to have issues. I hope you dont but mine was huge in faults.

    LP leak
    Short on main batt wire to converter
    Trap not hooked up at shower flooded bathroom
    Pieces of wood and garbabage in underbelly and stuffed behind stove
    And still a furnace that goes off on high limit.
    A missing heating duct.

    Etc etc etc..