Forum Discussion

aspen2008's avatar
Jun 18, 2013

Raise 5th wheel ground clearance

I have a 2008 Newmar Cypress 32SLRK with disc brakes. Is it possible to move the leaf spring above the axle to gain ground clearance. I have 8K lbs dexter axles and I want to rotate the axle to move the axle plate above to secure the leaf springs. I am assuming the caliper can be unbolted and reinstalled once the axle is rotate. Can anyone provide guidance on my options.
  • Hmmm, not all 8k axles have the camber bow. So if their the straight tube axles all you have to do is rotate the axle so the saddles are on top and rotate the brake backing plates.
    Before camber bowed axles all axle were a straight tube. Made flippin' the axles a snap.
  • I have a 07 Cypress LKSA 35 ft, just flipped the axels, it now is perfectly level,but sure sits high.Having to do it again i would consider just adding a 4 inch beam to the frame and call it good.
  • Purchase new spring perches and leave the bottom ones alone. Never know if somewhere in the future you or someone else might want to lower it back down. also the by leaving the bottom perches you can use them as a reference for alingment. Take multiple measurements for alignmnet before you burn the final welds in.
  • Might want to upgrade leaf springs while you have everything apart. I had a 2004 Newmar Kountry Star and the springs had lost all arch when I traded in 2011. Randu
  • Thanks for the information, I had forgot the axles have a built in arc. I will bring the camper to an alignment shop that can handle my camper and perform the work.
  • To do it properly you take the axles out and have new spring perches welded on the top of the axle tubes. Then reinstall them. The way your thinking is not a good method and would require a lot of bending to get the axles realigned.