Forum Discussion

Bayley's avatar
Mar 24, 2015

Raising a 5th wheel without a jack

I'm thinking about using a "Trailer Aid" type device to raise my 5th wheel when I repack the bearings this spring but I want to make sure it's safe for the trailer and axle to do so.

Does anyone know of any negative results with using this type of device? I sounds like a lot of people have used this set up with good results but I just want to make sure I don't do some damage to the trailer or the other tires.

Thanks for any advice!!
  • Cummins, drove over a curb today coming out of my driveway turning the trailer around, your right, my trailer is just fine....;)
  • Cummins12V98 wrote:
    You will get the sky is falling comments soon on the TrailerAid. They will say you are putting too much strain on the tire on the TrailerAid or the springs. I always say you never have driven over a curb?

    It is a great tool for maintenance or road side repair as seen in this pic. That was over two years ago and the tire and springs are just fine.

    There is no denying the FACT that you are loading up that tire pretty good, but thats a lot different IMO then bouncing down the highway with one of them flat.

    To me its just as easy to jack on or in-between the u-bolts, but again I will get the sky is falling on that way also. In some opinions the only good way is jacking the trailer up on the frame, and I all I can say on that is have had it . I will stick to what I have been doing for the past 40 plus years, and I'm sure you will stick to your method.
  • Works just fine.....until it doesn't.

    "Works just fine" for someone else =
    "Someone else" won't be paying for whatever you or "Murphy" break.

    Go with your trlr & axle mfgr's recommendations for jacking (or not) - rather than what you read on an Internet forum..;)

    Sure it may be "CYA" (theirs) - but maybe yours too.

    Your trlr - your choice..

  • You will get the sky is falling comments soon on the TrailerAid. They will say you are putting too much strain on the tire on the TrailerAid or the springs. I always say you never have driven over a curb?

    It is a great tool for maintenance or road side repair as seen in this pic. That was over two years ago and the tire and springs are just fine.

  • I've used it to repack bearings and adjust brakes, never had to replace a tire.
  • I have used the 'Trailer Aide' device a couple of times to change tires and it works very well. This was on a very heavy Mobile Suites 5er so it is very strong. Since it is hooked to the truck while using some of the weight is supported by the truck. I did have to put a 2x6 under the trailer aide to get a little more height out of it. Truck in park, park brake on and I still blocked the wheels. Should work just fine for you. I carry the trailer aide everywhere I go.