Forum Discussion

seagrace's avatar
Mar 15, 2018

Ramp vs Door

Sorry, apparently I'm not allowed to post relevant content.
  • I have three identical looking keys for the front door, garage door, and ramp. I took some of my wife's nail polish and dabbed the faces above each of the locks with their own colors and painted the keys to match.

    Main door = blue
    Garage = red
    Ramp = pink
  • Find someone with a vinyl cutting machine (Silhouette or Cricut) and have a little design printed for one. The vinyl SHOULD adhere to it.
  • Drill a very small hole in the key or the top, 1/16" won't compromise the integrity and you can see that in the dark.
  • Get a small key ring and put one key on that and then attach that ring to your regular key ring. The key on the extra ring goes to one lock, the one not goes to the other lock.
  • I have 3 keys; the side door key, the ramp key, and the front storage CH751.

    I placed them in order on the keyring, front to back. CH751-door-ramp on the ring, then a stupid rubber decorative tab to help identify the order. I never shove the wrong key in the hole anymore. We know the middle key is the door key (middle of the trailer).
  • Could you cut a small curve with a knife on the plastic of one of them or drill a small hole.