Glad to hear you're making some kind of progress. Check the metal fuel filter (there are two, one at the carb and one at the fuel pump) and they tend to leak where they're crimped together during manufacturing. It might explain your gas leak. As for the 36 fault code, that was just an example, not a guess or anything else. Per Onan though, a 36 is;
Engine stopped without command by controller)
Corrective Action:
1. Gasoline Models – Check and fill the fuel tank, as necessary. (Note: The genset fuel pickup tube is probably higher up in the fuel tank than the vehicle engine pickup.)
2. Low Pressure LPG Models – Check and fill the LPG container, as necessary. On cold days the LPG container may have to be kept at least half full to provide the rate of vaporization necessary to keep
up with the genset fuel demand.
3. High Pressure LPG Models – Check and fill the LPG container, as necessary, and drain the genset LPG system of oil that may have migrated from the supply system (Item 5, Page 13). Make sure to
re-close the drain valve.
4. Secure the spark plug leads on the spark plugs (Page 20).
5. Replace the spark plugs (Page 20).
6. Service the air cleaner (Page 19).
7. Check for mechanical damage.
Here's a link to the manual in case you don't have it
"click here" and be sure to check your fuel line running from the tank to the generator. If you disconnect it at the filter on the underside of the unit before it goes into the fuel pump, you can blow into it and listen for air escaping somewhere otherwise it should blow bubbles back into the tank.