Not sure how my observation leads to the conclusion that I did not compare tires, Chris?
What exactly are you referring to with regards to the comparison of the R250 to ST? Nothing I've read leads me to believe that the Duravis R250 is going to be stiffer than a 10 ply ST tire in the area of the sidewalls. I do like the R250's fully reinforced steel casing that runs along the sidewalls and tread area of the tire but this is designed for wear and retreadability, from what I've read and not for stiffness of the sidewalls.
Most of the conventional wisdom you hear from tire dealers is that ST tires do provide more sidewall stiffness than LT tires. Whether that is true or not, I will defer to the experts in this area. Without test data, I'd be hard pressed to confirm that the ST tires are firmer than LT/Duravis tires, or vice versa. I simply made an observation that I have more sway, which may be due to the added height of the trailer, or the tires, or both.
You seem to have this data or knowledge (that the Duravis has more rigid sidewall than a 10 ply Load E ST tire), so please do share it here. I'd like to better understand your perspective and certainty that the tires are not the source of my sway.
Me Again wrote:
pbar34 wrote:
I put them on my 5ver after having to lift it by two inches to accommodate the 16" wheels/tires. No issues in the rain we've traveled through but I did notice a bit more sway from the trailer. Very noticeable in cross winds. Could be the higher profile (2") of the trailer or the sidewalls of these tires are not as stiff as my old 15" ST tires...
Guess you did not compare the sidewalls before installing the R250's!!!
If you now have sway it is something besides the R250's causing it!!