Firelime wrote:
I feel like we have joint custody with Campingworld since it's lived there half the time since we got it.
This may be slightly off-topic, but I've read countless comments on here that basically say the same thing. Whether its Camping World or some other dealer, it seems like many (if not most) new units spend a lot of time back at the dealer for warranty repairs. My parents have a rig that's less than a year old, and its already been back to CW for a converter replacement (which took well over a month) and back again for a radio replacement (which took 2 hours). We've only ever owned used campers, but these situations make me wonder if buying a 3-5 year old rig might very well be a better decision. This way, the previous owner will have gotten all these little annoyances worked out.
Just kinda one of those random thoughts that pop into my head.