Forum Discussion

gottabecrazy29's avatar
Mar 13, 2013

Rear Kitchen Question

I currently have a rear lounge looking at some rear kitchen models. I have "heard" that when travelling with these rear kitchen units that anything and everything thats in your cabinets and refrigerator get bounced all over in the cabinets and refrig, something that I do not experience with my kitchen now in the middle of my camper.
Can anyone with a rear kitchen tell me if this true before I buy one.
Thank you for your input
  • We have a rear kitchen no problems See if the unit has shock absorbers on each axle . Have been told this helps
  • We have the rear kitchen and live in kalifornia where we have some of he worst roads in the nation. We don't have a problem with anything in the micro, refrig. and once you learn to organize your cupboards, no problem there. We love the rear kitchen as compared to the last trailer with a mid-kitchen.
  • Montana Mountaineer RK for three years, have pulled it 20K miles or more.

    Yes, you have to be a little careful with things. We don't use 'glassware' but rather difficult to break dishes and glasses. We put a velcro strap through the cabinet handles above the sink. We've not had any particular problems with the refrigerator contents.

    Twice, we dumped dishes on the floor before we started using the velcro strap. Those Interstate overpasses can be miserable! If your head hits the ceiling in the truck, you just might have spilled things in the trailer.

    All things considered, we still like the rear kitchen. A little modification in approach, and it all works out OK. And we like the floor plan and counter space.
  • We have a rear kitchen and travel with no problems. My wife loves the rear kitchen.
  • We have had three fivers in the last ten years:

    Rear kitchen Cameo;

    Aft of the axles, mid kitchen Outback;

    Forward of the axles, mid kitchen Titanium.

    We have never noticed any difference in management of food or dishes (although we DO install child-proof latches on all cabinet doors).
  • I have a TT with RKS. We do have some issues with the drawers coming out and I've had to add support blocks under the microwave to stop it from coming loose on the cabinet frame. Our previous trailer with mid kitchen also had drawers coming out when driving through NYC ...... Some of the worst roads in the world.
  • I had a Montana fifth-wheel with rear kitchen. The only problem I ever had was the glass plate in the microwave... I would put a bath towel over it to keep it in place. Other than that, everything was good and nothing got rearranged going down the road. What would concern me more with some of the newer models is, it appears on some when the slide comes in, it blocks off the refrig in the back corner. I would have another rear kitchen if the opportunity would come up. Lots of counter space.
  • I also am looking at a rear kitchen, I will post here so I can readily check the post for some good answers.
  • I've owned two RKs and never lost anything from the cabinets however both units had shocks and standard leaf spring suspensions.
  • we don't own one, but I have heard this from several campers who do own them. All kitchens used to be centered on the side. I think they tried to get fancy by moving them aft and forward. Forward really put the weight up front and then the aft put it in the bounciest area. This is my opinion!