Sbry68 wrote:
5th wheel.....F350, 6.7L, single wheel, long wheel base crew cab. ....16k 5th wheel and likely a 12' to 14' enclosed trailer together. What brand/model of hitch do you recommend?
If you're getting the truck new, without a doubt you need to get the OEM 5th wheel prep kit. These are hands down the cleanest way to connect and remove a 5th wheel hitch.
My personal experience is the Curt Q20, dual jaw hitch works very well. I've used the hitch over 5,000 miles towing my 5er this and it has worked just fine.
Others have had great experiences with their B&W hitch. You'll have to decide which hitch fits your budget and needs. I would say if you're getting a 16K 5er and plan to tow an extra trailer you should get a 20K hitch and maybe even a 24K to give you plenty of fudge factor. For me the Curt hitch was about $400 less than the B&W and that's what drove my decision. If the extra money wasn't a factor I probably would have gone with the B&W.