Not to highjack your post, but does anyone else have trouble with this hitch latching. We've had our R16 for a year and every time I hook it up I have trouble getting it to fully close so I can insert the safety pin. Had alot of trouble leaving the campground this weekend. Calling Reese today to see if they have any suggestions.
We've had this hitch for about a year also, when we first got it I could not get the locking arm all the way down to insert my lock. I called Reese and we went through a bunch of procedures on the phone, none of which worked. They sent me a new head and it worked the same way. I started to try different things and found a solution, leaving my trailer wheels chocked and the landing gear just off the ground I pull forward and for some reason that relieves the pressure on the jaws and the handle moves to the complete locked position.