Forum Discussion

donajohn's avatar
Jun 25, 2018


I unhooked my battery to have it tested, and my refrigerator turned off. Controls went dark. Reconnected battery and manually switched refer to Gas, then unhooked again. Don't know if it ran on gas while I was away for an hour or not. I thought refer would still run on AC from the shore power even if Battery not working.
Guess I'm wrong?
  • Your converter is the issue.......which is in your other post about your converter

    AC Shore Power>>>>>>Converter>>>>>>>DC Voltage ----minimum of 13.2V DC Out with battery POS cable not connected
  • In some cases the converter will supply the needed voltage to keep 12v appliances working. If your battery is low due to the converter not charging it, you may have a converter issue.

    If you've had your battery disconnected for any reason previously and accidently arced it or temporarily hooked it up with the cables on the wrong posts, you could have blown the fuses on the back of the converter.
  • 12 volts powers the electronics and propane ignition... must have
    110 volts powers the Cal Rod heater in the boiler

    No 12 volt power source, no work.
  • Refer would need to be in "auto" plus the converter must be powered to supply 12 volts DC for the control. Display should have remained lit if you had power from the converter.
  • Nope! Refers need 12VDC for control voltage and spark for the igniter.