Forum Discussion

twvette's avatar
Nov 29, 2016

REMINDER!!! Check new fuel stations before using!!!

Luckily I remembered a bad experience I had when purchased a new Weekend Warrior a long time ago when purchased my new Fuzion thius month. Back then the fuel station filled two of my quads with metal shaving and other junk from the manufacturing/assembly process that clogged up my fuel system in one to the point it would not run and not so fun repairs on both (Weekend Warrior luckily paid up). Now, on my new Fuzion I decided to check the fuel station first and almost the same thing but looked more like plastic shavings, particulates, and maybe pipe dope or similar. So much that after letting the fuel settle in a five gallon jug it left about a half inch layer of soot and larger junk too on the bottom. I was able to filter the fuel using socks to save the 30 gallons and not fill up my brand new Maverick X3 with this ****! Complaint is in to Keystone. Wonder how much **** is in my generator side!?
  • twvette wrote:
    on my new Fuzion I decided to check the fuel station first and almost the same thing but looked more like plastic shavings, particulates, and maybe pipe dope or similar. So much that after letting the fuel settle in a five gallon jug it left about a half inch layer of soot and larger junk too on the bottom. I was able to filter the fuel using socks to save the 30 gallons and not fill up my brand new Maverick X3 with this ****! Complaint is in to Keystone. Wonder how much **** is in my generator side!?

    IMO, you need to drop the tank and flush it completely.

    There is either a small pickup tube open to the bottom of the tank, or a pickup tube with a filter sock on it. Either way, with as much debris as you had, the fuel pump could get damaged. Not sure how that much debris even made it thru the fuel pump to get in your fuel jugs..? I'd also check the pump gears condition, sounds like it was acting like a maceration pump....

    May be a LOT of bigger stuff still in there that can't fit thru the pickup tube, if that much made it thru your fuel station fuel pump and out the nozzle...? I'd be scared that big stuff finally breaks up and makes it thru to destroy your pump...

  • The tank on my new Fuzion was so full of rust it had to be replaced under warranty.
  • Yeah, forgot to mention that I did put a spin on diesel style filter inline on my old Weekend Warriors after that mess but that was kinda a pain. The sock was just a temporary solution (and I actually went with two socks and bunched it up in opening LOL) to get some fuel for the end of the week and I will look into other filter solutions. Hopefully something that goes on the nozzle hose or would be kinda slick if someone made one for the end of the fuel nozzle itself ... something could always be rigged up too. My signature needs a little updating LOL ...
  • I thought of this when I got my 5th wheel toy hauler so what I did is I installed a spin on fuel filter with adaptor and a water separator, never have had any issues, once in a while open the wing nut to drain any water it might have caught.
  • I bet Keystone gets right on it:)

    Being you have an older Dodge with 5.9 in sig line.....

    You probably know all about what a "bucket test" is. I would do the same type of thing but add on some type of filter.

    A sock isn't that great of a filter. Maybe 50 micron if that. Get some type of inline filter that takes it down to 30 or less. Just run fuel/gas over and over thru your filter.

    (My latest fuel set up on my 5.9 filters down to 4 micron. Many gas stations only filter down to 30, gas or diesel, per state law. According to in law that talks with those folks often. Unless something has changed of course)
  • So much for those inline filters that all of the delivery hoses are supposed to have.

    Sounds like this station left those filters OUT.

    And I suspect that more than a few do.