Nov 29, 2016Explorer
REMINDER!!! Check new fuel stations before using!!!
Luckily I remembered a bad experience I had when purchased a new Weekend Warrior a long time ago when purchased my new Fuzion thius month. Back then the fuel station filled two of my quads with metal shaving and other junk from the manufacturing/assembly process that clogged up my fuel system in one to the point it would not run and not so fun repairs on both (Weekend Warrior luckily paid up). Now, on my new Fuzion I decided to check the fuel station first and almost the same thing but looked more like plastic shavings, particulates, and maybe pipe dope or similar. So much that after letting the fuel settle in a five gallon jug it left about a half inch layer of soot and larger junk too on the bottom. I was able to filter the fuel using socks to save the 30 gallons and not fill up my brand new Maverick X3 with this ****! Complaint is in to Keystone. Wonder how much **** is in my generator side!?