Forum Discussion

jeffn74's avatar
Oct 12, 2013

Rim and Tire Question


I am a long time lurker and am constantly getting great information from this forum. This time I have a question that I cannot seem to answer with a simple search. My 2012 Wildcat came with ST235/80R16 tires and 6k axles. I recently had some belt seperation on one tire. The dealer told me my spare tire is not in good shape and will need replacement too.

I am looking at replacing all of the Trail America ST tires with LT tires. I was looking at the Bridgestone Duravis R250. I was looking at the LT245/75R16. It appears to meet the needs in most catagories, but the rim width is specified as 6.5" to 8". My rims have 16x6 stamped on the back. My crude measurement of the rim (with the tire on) shows the rim to be closer to 6.5". I was thinking about taking this to a tire shop and letting them figure it out if the Duravis will fit, but I wanted to see if anyone on here had the same problem. Is anybody installing this size tires on rims labeled as 6"?


  • I went from ST235/80/R16 on my 6" wide rims to LT245/75/R16 and have never had a problem.
  • As I mentioned above (and another poster also),
    you can use LT 235/85/R16E tires on your 6 inch rims.
    They are just a little larger in diameter. As mentioned,
    measure distance from center to center and see if you
    have enough clearance between the tires.
  • I've never heard of anyone ever changing from 6" to 6 1/2" wheels when changing too LT tires. If anyone has I wish they would post about it.
  • Your rims are stamped 16X6.......16" diameter and 6" width (distance between flanges of rim---bead area)

    The tires you are looking at can be mounted on rims 16" diameter and between 6.5" to 8" width. 6.5" width is narrowest rim for proper tire bead sealing/retention and for thread profile (width of thread that contacts ground)

    Upgrading to LT tires is good buy the correct width rims.
  • Why not use LT 235/85 R16 ?
    here's a tire size calculator:

    rim section sidewall
    size width width height diameter circum revs/mi
    ST 235/80/R16E 6 9.25 7.4 30.8 97.77 654.74
    LT 235/85/R16E 6 9.25 7.86 31.73 99.68 635.65

    Rating ST 235/80/R16 3420 lbs (E rating)
    Rating LT 235/85/R16 3042 lbs (E rating)

    Lower rating for LT 235/85/R16E is not an issue for me.
    CAT scales with rig fully loaded revealed:
    Trailer weight: 9,860 lbs.
    Pin weight: 1,880 lbs.
    Trailer Axle wt: 7,980 lbs.
    4 tires @ 3042 = 12,168 lbs.
    Trailer GAWR(each) 10,400 lbs (2 x 5,200)
    Tire safety margin: 4,188 lbs. (12,168 - 7,980)
    Axle safety margin: 2,420 lbs. (10,400 - 7,980

    Tires are rated higher than GAWR

    This seems ok for me.
    Figure what works for you.
    You may be able to use the same rims if weights allow.
  • What is the center to center measurement of your axles. If 33" or more you can use LT235/85R16E's. I am running R250's after 6.5 years on Ribs. Both VERY good tires for a trailer. If you have to buy the wider wheels for the 245's, it is still will be worth it. Get warranty on existing tires and sell old the wheels and tires on CL. Lawn service guys or such will buy them for their trailers. Chris