Forum Discussion

Rygar's avatar
Aug 30, 2016

Road service

Okay, so here we are, about 5000 miles into our 6000 mile trip. We're on the I90 westbound from Butte Montana heading to Spokane Washington for the night. Coming down a long steep grade a car pulls in front of me and puts on his 4 way flashers. I'm confused, so I slow down and we both slow to a stop. He walks back to our truck and tells me I have a flat on my fifth wheel. I thank him profusely. I can't stop on this spot so I slowing drive on for about 2 miles and pull off the I90 into Kellog Idaho. I see a Les Schwab right at the exit. I stop there and get out to look at my flat. It was a little more than a flat. There were only bits of rubber left and a destroyed wheel. I get the guy from Les Schwab to take the wheel off and put on my spare. Really friendly guy. He finishes up, puts the wheel in my truck and I start to walk to the office to pay and get a receipt to see if my Good Sam road service will reimburse me. He turns to me and says "No charge." I stare at him like he's got three eyes. I said, you're kidding right. He said no, he won't charge for just putting my spare on. Needless to say I was a happy camper. I gave him $20 and told him to get some beer! I guess I know where I'm going for tires!
  • A leaky valve stem flattened one of my trailer tires last Saturday. The TPMS warned me in time to prevent serious damage to an expensive tire. I would not likely have known that the tire was going flat otherwise.
    The TPMS just paid for itself.

    X2 - I just had this happen last week; TPMS light came on, I pulled over and had a rear flat. Caught in time without any further damage.
  • avvidclif1 wrote:
    Sounds like your next purchase should be a TPMS so you know when you have a flat.


    A leaky valve stem flattened one of my trailer tires last Saturday. The TPMS warned me in time to prevent serious damage to an expensive tire. I would not likely have known that the tire was going flat otherwise.
    The TPMS just paid for itself.
  • Les Schwab is the only place to buy tires and there are just about everywhere on the west coast. Their service is fantastic:):)
  • They don't have Schwab stores where I live, but when traveling this summer, I was around them several times. The people were always helpful and willing to put air in your tires if needed.

  • Sounds like your next purchase should be a TPMS so you know when you have a flat.