Like the man said, we've all done something pretty stupid at one time or another.

Mine was sinking our Class C up to the axle. I was jockying our MH into the drive way. I had the boat in the drive way so it made it harder than usual. I backed the RV into the empty lot across the street from the house. However, I forgot that we had just had a LOT of rain and the ground was soft. Well, after I couldn't pull forward, I backed up a bit to get a better run. Not so much.
I bought some bags of gravel, poured some behind the RV wheels and used our Expedition to pull the RV (hitch to hitch with 20 ft 20k strap) onto the gravel. I dumped the rest of the gravel in the tracks and then made a run at it. I got it out, but had the RV almost sideways doing it and threw up a lot of mud. All this at around 10pm.
Lesson learned, pay attention.