To answer a few questions. It is anchored to the ground with eight mobile home anchors. If your are unfamiliar with the mobile home anchor it is an augur that is twisted into the ground with a machine. The building is warrantied for 130 MPH straight winds. As for concrete, I will be pouring a slab but not covering the entire area of the barn. The slab will be from the rear of the trailer to the area just past the dollies and will be ten feet wide. This barn is 36 feet long and yes I wish I had had it built to 40 feet at least. The trailer is completely under it but barely. I do have some doors ordered to cover the ends. As for the cost, these barns are like trailers, you can pay as little or as much as you want depending on what you want. This one cost me 3500 dollars. I up graded to a heaver gauge metal, I opted for a 13 foot height at the eves or the bottom of the gable if you will, which normal is 12 feet and the gables cost extra but makes it look nicer. My shop is a 42 X 100 foot Morton building and a little over half of it is for parking vehicles, I have several cars and pick ups in it plus a couple of 18 wheeler trucks.