Lots of opinions. I like the TPMS system, and use it on my trailer. Not the truck. I moved up to 'good' tires last year, so it's not really as important now. As for the GPS, well, everyone's right, there's lots of GPS info available, on phones, built in to new trucks, but push come to shove, mine has saved my AC unit more than once. If you venture off the Interstate highways, you either need to do some serious research first, or just roll the dice. My RV is over 13' tall. (13' 4" at last measurement), I'm sure it varies by half an inch or more based on weight distribution, etc. I travel to Austin TX on a regular basis and there is a spot, some 90 miles north of Austin where the right lane is 13' 6". Yes, I might make it but Garmin reminds me in time to shift over to the left lane where it's over 14'.
And I know an inch is as good as a mile, but, I figure just one good bounce as I go under that overpass and I lose an A/C unit and who knows what else.
I bought the Garmin 465 Truckers version. I keep the maps current and it's done quite well by me.
Paper maps still work, phone GPS units work, my new truck has a built in Nav system (just short of worthless in my book. Not sure who does the research for GM on these, but jeeze, take a look at the Industry leader and get a clue), but at the end of the day, when you can program how long, wide and tall you are and it takes that into account when routing you it's just that much less stress when you're driving.