I will share my experience in hopes it helps you. I always believed the dealer makes a big difference, but the manufacturers also want you to be satisfied. Several years ago we tried a dealer with a good reputation and they were bought by CW right after our purchase. The warranty service was horrible, far worse that you have documented so far. Months at their facility with us calling every few days. Lies about the manufacturer denying warranty work. Losing our camper for few days when cold weather was setting in (I asked if they would winterize it as they had it for 3 months, They agreed for a fee. At this point I was so livid I was going to drive the 2.5 hours each way and do it myself rather than give them any money). They agreed to do it for no charge and then called me back to see if I picked it up because they could not find it. After talking with the manufacturer I made arrangements to bring it to the factory in Indiana for repairs. They sub'd it to another company and most of the repairs were completed. Granted I had to make the trip to Indiana from NC at my expense, but it was worth it after working with a dealer who really did not care. They also delivered it back to us. Unfortunately all the repairs were not completed so we contacted the manufacturer again, This time they sent a driver to pick it up and offered to deliver it. We opted to pick it up in Indiana so we could test everything. All was good at that point and we were technically out of warranty.
If you choose this route I would suggest being respectful but firm with the manufacturer, have all your documentation listed (what is broken, who you spoke with, what they said, dates times, promises, etc). This really helped us with the manufacturer.
Of course if it is smaller items they may recommend another dealer or a mobile tech. I have also had good success with mobile techs. Alpine is in our area and I would recommend them.
I hope you are able to resolve your issues.
Merry Christmas.