GPG52! wrote:
I had just asked a similar question but with regards to a CRUSADER 325RE... Here is one feedback that I found very interesting:
"There is a known issue with the Darco wrap slide bottoms tearing where the rollers contact and Primetime has failed to respond on the Primetime forum. Owners are concerned about moisture problems.
Go to the Primetime forum: and do a search for "Platokidd". He started the current post on the issues."
Good luck
I posted the link and the poster. Don't remember if the Sannibel has the same Darco wrap but if you go to that link and read through the posts you may find out. The Darco wrap is a woven-I think polypropylene- that is similar to house wrap. It is not the same as Tyvek. Although it is touted as breathable, I don't think it will prevent water penetration. For this reason I think it may eventually pose a rotting problem where the ends are exposed to water dripping down and curling under the edge. I am watching carefully and may spray with Rustoleum Leak Seal. I also added a piece of aluminum roofing drip edge on the corners.
If you read the post started by Platokidd, be on the look for posts from RV Guy. I beieve he works for Primetime but has been silent for months on this issue.