2edgesword wrote:
I don't think there are many places in an RV where you can bolt a lockbox/safe in such a way that it cannot be easily defeated using a crowbar. In my mind if theft is the primary concern I'd be looking more towards concealment versus the idea of securing a lockbox/small safe.
As in CCW, "concealed" is the operative term. I've thought about securing the bed pedestal some way, for long-gun storage. Simply put them under all the other cr@p that's there to hide them. Other stuff, I've thought about a safe in one of the closets, screwed through to straps on the ceiling of the basement. Have to cut out the floor of the wardrobe/closet to get the safe. FWIW, I've not yet had reason to take long guns, but regularly have my pistol ON me, or next to me at night.
As for campgrounds, if you read the rules, I've found that the wording is often "discharge of firearms is prohibited", but says nothing about possession.