Bill , a 1ton srw longbed would be a great choice for the 3010 you are considering and well within the limits of the truck. Great choice in trailers , this combination should serve you well.
The next issue and no doubt debate will be which hitch to buy . In my opinion there is only one way to go , and that is air ride . There are two companies to consider that both make nice products Air safe and Trailer Saver . Either of these will provide the best towing experience with minimal impact to the structure of the trailer as well as your truck . Yes they are more expensive than static hitches but the difference is night and day.
Once again I am not putting down those with static type hitches , however with all the debates and differences in opinions on a wide variety of things on this as well as other sites , a quick search will show that few if any debate the value of air ride hitches. The reason you dont see more of them is because of the initial expense , however long term there benefits far out weigh there cost.Scott