joebedford wrote:
goducks10 wrote:
With that logic I really doubt you would like this setup

I don't even have a spare for the MC.
At first I thought that was you in the passenger seat. Funny how attitudes change. When I was young and stupid I though nothing of setting the cruise on my Ultra Classic and slipping back onto the passenger saddle for miles and miles to stretch my legs. No I didn't steer with my feet.
Anyway, now that I'm much closer to death, I wouldn't think about towing my big toy hauler without a dually because it's too dangerous.
Funny how attitudes change.
So true. My wife still thinks our trip on the MC from Oregon to Colorado was her best vacation. We've been on 8 cruises and camped all over Oregon and Northern Ca. Would I do the MC trip to Co again. No. Sold the MC and got back into the camping thing cause we were tired of doing hotels all the time. Plus I feel safer in the truck and 5'er with all the goofball texters out there. We rode MC's for 12 years straight. She had her own bike for 4-5 years. 1000's of miles. Figured we quit while we were ahead.