Pictures posted should not exceed 800 pixels width with 640 pixels the recommended width. Please try to abide by the width of 800, we will edit a post if they are too large, but if it becomes to time consuming we will just remove the post completely. Please do not quote with a photo in the quote text. This thread should be used for posting photos, and not "idle chit chat"
New! Easy Photo Upload & Posting Web App! (thanks to Moderator 1492)
A fast and easy way to post a photo in a forum post. Just drag-n-drop a photo, and receive a copy-n-paste image link for your forum post. Uploads directly to servers. Resizes photos to the max recommended by the Open Roads Forum. Includes a thumbnail preview, and also provides an optional link to permanently delete the photo. A shortcut to the web app is available at
If you need more help with posting photos please visit the
RV.Net Tutorials and Picture related FAQ's