So far, it looks like Northwood's Artic Fox 27-5L has most everything I was hoping for. I would prefer 2 windows in the bedroom instead of a closet slideout but hey, with so much going for it, such as short length and four season, I wouldn't want to hang too dearly onto a smaller preference.
jus2shy, I was not aware that Northwood built RVs under another name as well. I shall check out the Glacier Peak line too. Thanks for telling me!
Goon F250, I'm hoping to make it over to the Tampa RV show this weekend. Although I would not be interested in something as long as what you are looking at, it's always fun to look at the new design ideas coming out.
Duck, as I was telling lynndiwagon earlier in this thread, my desire for a smaller rig is based strictly on preference. I don't yet have the truck I'd need. I don't think my Toyota Corrola is going to pull anything heavier than a beer can behind it! ;-) I used to have an F-350 diesel but it was getting old.
PKennedy, I smiled at your post because I've also heard people say that they can get their rig in anywhere they want. I figure it is because where they want to go is entirely different than the types of places I want and like to go. I'm definitely giving those Artic Foxes a good hard look. I know their reputation was good when I was looking years ago and I'm glad to hear their reputation is still good. I was tickled pink when I saw they had an off-road chassis as a standard on their models.
lynddiwagon, I'm glad you are happy with your current unit. I did not find I had a problem heating or cooling my Hitchhiker. However, it was my only RV aside from an entry level Prowler Lynx trailer and that wasn't hard to beat. I prefer 30 amp service because it often less expensive if you can take a 30 amp site. Maybe because I had such a small unit, I did not feel the need for a second air-conditioner. I'm glad you are happy with yours. That's what counts.
campinghut, your post also made me smile. I talked to the people at New Horizons when they came to the Tampa RV show last year. If I had more money, I'd happily let them build me anything. They seem like great people and their units seem as sturdy as one could ever build. It's that pesky thing called "money" that makes other options more likely.