MFL wrote:
This is a very common question on this forum, with no real answer. Some people, me, have had no problem using a standard hitch in a SuperDuty, for many years. The next person will say they wouldn't be without a slider. IMO, if you are used to backing a bumper pull of any kind, you know they will hit too, if you don't pay attention.
I would recommend the B&W 3300 for OEM Ford puck system. Set it all the way to rear, which is one inch ahead of axle center.
About the best answer that can be given. Some say never had a problem with a newer rounded nose 5er, others have broken windows and dented cabs.
I can think of one time I had my TV and 5er at 90 degrees, backing into a short driveway off of a narrow street to do some work on it.
That and I once flipped a U turn in the width of three lanes of road.