Don't know why the builders don't think that there are people looking for a less than 36' quality fiver.
Way back when we were looking the max length we were after was 32'LOA. This was 2006 & we narrowed it down to three models to look for. A Mobile Suite 32TK3. A Carriage 33CK? Alpenlite 34RLR.
We had getting into state parks in mind & we had the ability to dry camp comfortably for more than a couple of days in mind.
All three had similar quality of build. All three had similar floorplans. All three had 100gal FW capacity. The hunt was on for a lightly used of any of those models. We found a virtually new Alpenlite 34RLR Ltd. Fifteen years & well over 2000 nights use later, there has been no itch to relace it.
These days a quality smaller 5er is even tougher to find. Arctic Fox seems to be one of the few.