motc777 wrote:
Thanks to the rain that blew in ala the hurricane in Mexico, I now have discovered that I have 4 skylights that need replacing. (Nothing like waking up to water on the floor right?)
I watched a youtube video on how to do the job and it seems easy enough. However, the video showed using screws. I noticed on my roof that they used rivets. My question is, can I use self tapping/sealing screws, or should I use pop rivets?
4 skylights and no vents? :h That makes little sense, as does affixing either a skylight or vent flange to the roof with rivets instead of screws. :h The conventional method is to put down a layer of butyl tape on the flange which will create a tight seal when the flange is screwed down. Add self leveling lap sealant to each screw head, a generous bead around the flange edge, and in combination with the butyl under the flange there's no way that skylight or vent should leak.