Not to be a downer but since you went below freezing before securing them, and they have been flapping hard, be prepared come spring. There is something called pinholeing that can be caused by a few things such as moisture that is trapped and saturates the fabric which then breaks the membrane when it freezes and or you could have tearing or shredding at the attachment point at the wall. In the worst case you could rip the molding loose. It is essentially a sail in the wind and the lifting power of the wind is tremendous. Strapping or holding them down with a cargo net is better in my opinion rather than allowing air pressure to get underneath. There is no real good fix (but I would still do something) just cross you fingers at this point. I blew one out doing just the same thing.... I had pinholes all over it after my second winter season. Been there wrecked that. Now I know. A cheap cargo bed net from Harbor freight thrown over the top then roped or strapped down could be a good quick fix solution. Just go look at them you will see what I mean.