Forum Discussion

Cainen's avatar
Jun 08, 2021

Slide out power stuck "on"

Sorry if this is the wrong forum, but I had a question:

I recently had a circuit breaker flip on my 5th wheel due to running too many appliances at once.

When I reset it everything was fine except the power switch to the slide outs is "on" whether it's in the on or off position(it's always lit up and the slide-out can be moved).

Is this dangerous for the slide-outs to be powered all the time? Should I contact an electrition to check the switch? Everything is running fine and my power to the rig seems to be within normal parameters(according to my surge protector on the power pole)

-Thank you.
  • There has to be more than one RV tech in Yuma,

    Get it checked now! Before something melts or, worse, catches on fire.
  • Please get it fixed asap.

    At the very minimum find the fuse and pull it out.
  • Thanks, I'm electricity dumb so I wont mess with it myself.

    If I'm not planning on moving for the next 2 years, is it a priority, or safe to wait a bit without anything blowing up? We do have a local RV tech but he's out of the area for at least 4 months.
  • Pull the plug, remove the battery negative cable, wait a minute, reattach and see if it's fixed. Don't do this if you're not aware of the potential safety issues.

    You definitely don't want the slide to move while you're traveling. Don't expect an electrician to know much about 12V DC power, a mobile RV tech might...