Forum Discussion

Duke-44's avatar
Aug 18, 2013

Slide quit working after bumpy gravel road.

I pulled in the slide on my 2012 Sundance RE 5th wheel, flipped up the steps and drove about 25 miles on a pretty bumpy gravel road. When I started to set up and went to put out the slide, I pushed the switch and there was nothing. I am thinking that maybe a wire came loose from the motor. What do you guys think?
Will the motor be on the opposite side from the slide near the manual crank? I'm guessing I will find the motor up above the screwed on plastic bottom cover?
  • Well I found the problem, and my first thought was right. We (my friend) unscewed the plastic bottom cover and had to drop the electric rear stabilizer jacks, then folded the plastic cover back to the axles. I crawled under there took ahold of the first wire I saw and yep it was not connected. It had come loose from the wire nut. I retwisted the wire into the wire nut and had my friend push the switch and BINGO. So then we put everything back.
    It could be done by one person, but with 2 it is much easier and faster. It
    took us about an hour and a half; but I think if I were to do it again it would probably only take 45 min.

    Thanks for your help.
  • Hoppypoppy wrote:
    Check battery connections, especially the ground. Both at the batt and where it grounds.

    The batteries are fine everything else works.


    Absolutely nothing happens when I push the slide button.
  • Check battery connections, especially the ground. Both at the batt and where it grounds.
  • This may be off thew wall, but is motor "trying" (or drawing current?) to move yet failing? Could be a rock jammed in the track.
  • A lot of manufacturers use a simple crimp on connector that looks somewhat like a wire nut. It isn't of course, and I have had problems with them in the past. Had the same problem as you and the wire had come loose in the connector. I replaced all of them with crimp on Anchor brand heat shrink connectors. I would look at all of the exterior wiring to where the leads come out of the motor.
  • Electric motor? Then yes it is a good chance something came loose. The motor is probably directly under the slide somewhere. But until you start removing panels and,looking your not going to know. Check the switch wires first. Maybe you'll get lucky.