Update to my previous post. While on my most recent trip, lots of rain, so this got me checking. Then i decided to look on the internet at other units for sale and see where and how the toppers are installed. GUESS WHAT? yep the toppers are installed too high on my unit. I sent pictures to the factory, they stated that the toppers are installed too high. the remedy is to re-install the toppers an inch and a half lower than they are, this of course creating holes to be filled or patched. The manufacture state that the replacing the T molding at the top of the slide will be the simplest fix. So now after emails to the dealer that did the installation, I wait. I am sure with all the documentation, we will have it done right. We will up date as soon as i know more or project complete. Staying diligent, documentation and continuous persistence will surely, hopefully get r done! ! ! Good Luck & Be Safe ! ! !