Forum Discussion

jbrack's avatar
Apr 17, 2018

Slide Toppers

I am struggling with the decision to purchase/install slide toppers. While I see the benefits, I also see issues with sagging, standing water, wind tearing the thing apart, and the cost. I need three toppers and it looks like a decent quality product will set me back around $1000. I read many of the forums on this subject but they seem a bit dated. I am wondering if things have changed in today's world of slide toppers.
  • Cummins12V98 wrote:
    Had them on one RV the last two have not had them, I will never own them again.

    Once was enough for us.

  • I have an intense dislike(hate is a little strong) of the ones on our rig. The flapping in the wind and water ponding are particularly annoying. To each his own, but if I wasn't so lazy Id get up there and take em down.
  • Guess the opinions are 50-50. This is are 2nd coach. 1st one didn't have them and gal at factory told me when I was asking a ton of questions (being our 1st ever RV), she said if I was considering them ,she would have tried talking me out of it. Thus each time we went out, had to climb up and brush all 3 slides off. Ordered them w/ new coach which has 4 slides and all 4 have toppers. Love 'em. Cannot fully answer about them flapping in the wind. Do sag some cuz when you bring them in after a rainstorm, you learn where to stand and close main door to coach.. I like the idea of installing them in such a fashion that they have a tilt/angle to begin with so water will run off. Have heard too where you can put a beach ball under them to create a Teepee effect. Just don't know how you get the ball out (or in for that matter).

    In the end, it's your call.
  • Our 2010 didn't come with them so we had them installed, and wouldn't have a trailer without them. No leaf blowers, no ladders, no long handled brooms, no worries. They keep the slides cooler in the sun, and if the rain puddles in them who cares? Any flapping they do in heavy winds is unnoticed. One of the best things you can buy.
  • Had them on one RV the last two have not had them, I will never own them again.
  • I have had slide toppers on almost all of my units. Yes, I would do it again.
    If they stretch, they do flap..bad. But, if you get the water off after a rain, they hold up for a long time. I used to take a long handled paint roller and just walk down the side of my motorhome and the water came off. My next door neighbor brings his slides in after each rain and the water dumps off. His unit is at least 4 years old and they look great.
  • We have them for two reasons.
    First, we camp under trees a lot and it keeps all the needles and debris out of the seals.
    Secondly, they're a big help with heat coming through the roof of the S/O.

    I suspect the problems with sagging in rain is the result of the super cheapo units some factory units get (like Northwood). These are units that aren't even available for sale to the general public. Only a manufacturer can buy this lousy of a product. I am certain I will have to replace them some day.

    I installed the cheapest Carefree on our last RV and never had any sagging issues even during torrential rains.

    After having it both ways, I would absolutely install them again.

    A suggestion; Install the awnings so they have the most possible pitch.
  • I'm with you jbrack. I'd like to have toppers also but hesitate because for my 4 slides, it would be quite expensive. For now, I'll just clean them off with my battery powered leaf blower when we go camping.
  • Been on my fiver since day one. Thats like since 2005. Last fall I replaced the material on all three for less than 500 dollars. IMHO they are one of the best investments for an RV possible. Mo water, debris coming in and cooler interior on hot days. We spend one winter in the Columbia river gorge, known for high winds. To stop worry about them I bought three 4 inch wide tow straps, over the toppers and secured them with 1 inch ratchet straps. No fuss and they held up just fine.
  • I have em' and all they do for me is keep the debris off the slide roofs which helps when retracting the slides and a bit of the rain and I suppose an argument could be made that they shade the sun helping cooling but mine need replacing as well and since I've already got them I'll end up doing it but I don't think I'd put them on a new trailer though.

    Red Green: When the going gets tough, switch to power tools.